Generally, when the internal wind increases, the flame is short and thick. When the outside wind increases, the flame becomes thin and long. Excessive internal wind is easy to cause short and thick divergence, not only the kiln skin is easy to burn, but also produce coarse grain and yellow core material. The external wind is too large, the core area of the flame is elongated, and it is easy to make the unburned coke particles sink into the kiln and continue to burn, so that the liquid phase of the material appears prematurely, and the floating kiln skin is too long, resulting in ring formation.
If the coal quality is poor and the combustion rate is slow, the internal flow rate can be increased appropriately and the external flow rate can be reduced; If the coal quality is good or the kiln skin is too thin, the surface temperature of the kiln tube is high, and the flame needs to be elongated, the external flow rate should be increased and the internal flow rate reduced. But when the external flow air volume is too large, it is easy to cause the flame to be too long and the temperature at the end of the kiln is too high. Internal flow air volume is too large, easy to cause flame top fire.
If it is found that the material of the firing belt is sticky, the height is relatively high, the rolling of the material is not flexible, and sometimes the cake material appears, it means that the temperature in the kiln is too high. At this time, the coal consumption in the kiln should be appropriately reduced, the internal flow rate should be appropriately reduced, the external flow rate should be increased, the flame should be extended, and the temperature in the kiln should be alleviated.
If it is found that The material height in the kiln is very low, along the slip surface, refractory material divergent inviscid, small particles, clinker fCaO if higher, shows that the temperature is too low, the firing should increase coal kiln head, flow volume increase, accordingly reduce the outflow of air volume, shorten the flame, the calcining zone is relatively concentrated, raise the temperature, the firing clinker and grain to normal.
If it is found that the local temperature of the kiln tube is too high or the kiln skin falls off a large amount, it indicates that the combustion temperature is unstable, the flame shape is not good, and the flame diverges and scour the kiln skin and refractory brick. At this time, the internal air should be reduced or even closed, the amount of coal in the kiln should be reduced, the external air should be increased, the flame should be prolonged or moved, the coal injection pipe should be changed, the fire position should be changed, the kiln skin should be re-hung, and the normal combustion state should be restored.